Human Rights

Managing Talent and Cultivating the Right Culture for Our Purpose

Our Corporate Philosophy is “Love” and our Credo is “Only love can beget love.” These words are important to all employees and represent one of our basic values, together with respect for human rights and diversity in terms of gender and cultural differences.

Diversity and Inclusion

At Pigeon, we welcome everyone with ambition and talent to join us as employees, regardless of nationality, gender, age, ability/disability, gender identity and sexual orientation, and ensure a work environment that allows them to fully show their abilities even in the face of various circumstances such as childcare, nursing care and illness.

In FY2021, the rate of non-Japanese employee was 2.2%, the rate of employee with disabilities was 2.7% and the rate of female manager was 23.9% in Pigeon Corporation and 42.7% in Pigeon Group.

  • Employment rate of Non-Japanese (Pigeon Corporation)

  • Employment rate of persons with disabilities (Pigeon Corporation)

  • Employment rate of female manager (Pigeon Corporation vs. Pigeon Group)

Basic principles and rights in labor

The Pigeon Group respects the human rights and other rights of workers in Japan and overseas. Our Risk Management Committee spearheads efforts and manages human right issues and labor-related compliance in an appropriate manner. We also implement and firmly maintain policies related to health and safety and workplace environments that cover all employees, both permanent and nonpermanent, in Japan and overseas.