Sustainability: Message from CEO

To Make the World More Baby-friendly

  • Norimasa Kitazawa President and Chief Executive Officer

The Pigeon Group’s Purpose is “We want to make the world more baby-friendly by furthering our commitment to understanding and addressing babies’ unique needs.” For more than sixty years, we have supported babies and their families by providing products and services tailored to those needs.

In recent years, however, our company and society at large have transformed in many ways. Geopolitical issues and the COVID-19 pandemic have accelerated these changes. Accordingly, in order to realize our Purpose and grow sustainably as an essential part of society, we have reviewed our “Key Issues (Materiality)”.

The Pigeon Group’s employees will come together as one to grow our corporate value over the medium to long term; practice baby-friendly, eco-friendly monozukuri (manufacturing); and help resolve the social issues that affect babies and their families. We will also cultivate an organizational culture where each and every employee can shine as they continue to embrace new challenges, and secure a structural basis for bold and ambitious corporate endeavors that will improve medium- to long-term corporate value. In this way, we will make the world a more baby-friendly place.

Furthermore, in order to leave a rich earth for the future of babies born tomorrow, we will continue to work with all our stakeholders to practice sustainable monozukuri with full consideration for the future parenting and natural environment, so that babies can enjoy health and happiness decades from now.

President and CEO  
(Norimasa Kitazawa)